viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

30 de marzo de 2011 - Chain of feelings (NAKED) -

Hace unas semanas decidí dar rienda suelta a todo lo que me pasaba por la cabeza, expresarlo de una manera arbitraria a la vez que racional. Cuando los sentimientos se muestran a flor de piel, cuando todo parece perdido, cuando solo ves oscuridad y negatividad y lo quieres extirpar de raíz, surge una escritura curativa interconectada, una liberación automática...Mi "chain of feelings".


I feel so strange...My childhood. Do you remember those days? Nice moments...Not always, but time flows, we can't stop that reality, that eternal truth. We die.YOU die. There is no solution.
The solution is that you perish. Don't try to face the death, 'cause you will lose. We are losers. We like winning. We want to make a living, we want to build up this world. It's possible, It's even reckless, but we have to do it. Why? Beacuse human being needs to be worried about things. You hate boredom. You want to live. Sometimes you desire to die. But It's ok. You can choose. Fortunately there is a choice. I'm quite indecisive. What should I do? Live, of course. Problems. They are always there.
Explicitly.Implicitly. We don't like problems either, but we, fucking fools, look for them desperately.Time. Are you worried about your fucking clock? Take it easy. Tempus fugit, again there is no solution. Carpe diem but "no se fíen de los que dan el fíen". This leads to falseness. Insincerity. Many people adore unfaithfulness. I hate it by the way. There is no point in being insincere. I really don't care consequences, It is the truth what really matters. Family matters. I love my family. You can have a word with your parents. It's normal. My mother is the best woman ever. Hackneyed subject? No. It's my heart what said that, not the convention. Deseases. I support her. I have to talk to her. Everything is gonna be fine? Sure. Sure. We can face this. I love my family. Love, what a word. Dangerous. Really dangerous. It makes me suffer a lot, it makes me cry, it makes me grow. It's ok. I thought I had found you. I think I've found you. But it's impossible right? I'm naive, I am a dreamer...I continue the searching. It's hard not to find your soul mate.It's even harder to find her and realise it can' be real. Full of sorrow. Many things, many people, many worries, one single heart.
--->Strange feelings arise from my soul, I can't stop them, I don't want to stop them...It's natural, It's fluency...It's you.
And so on, and so forth...

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

15 de enero de 2011 - Mito y fantasía a ritmo de pentagrama-

Hoy actualizo con algo que tenía por ahí guardado y que se sale un poco de la norma...Os tengo todo el día leyendo y creo que es hora de dar paso a algo diferente, una serie de ideas y reflexiones irradiadas desde lo más profundo de mi ser acompañadas por atisbos melódicos. Es tiempo de relax, es tiempo de reflexión, es tiempo de evasión. Enjoy.

Para comenzar, sumerjámonos en las profunidades de los místicos bosques con Zelda, Link y sus melodías atemporales...

¿La vida? Viaje mágico lleno de esperanza, retos que superar y tardes de hastío en las que derramar miles de lágrimas que se retroalimentan azarosamente...

Pero también descubrimos notas raudas, plenas de valentía y oscuridad para afrontar el destino adverso...

Nuestro largo viaje se remonta al recuerdo, las memorias que nos ayudan a no rendirnos y a alcanzar nuestras metas, a un trozo de papel anclado en un álbum de fotos mutilado...

Luz versus oscuridad...Batalla ancestral protagonizada por un maniqueísmo dantesco al que todos pertenecemos y del que no nos queremos alienar.

Pero tranquilos, podemos elegir...Yo elijo Luz.
Yo elijo oscuridad.